My name is Qinghua and I am an expert in all things computational. All others bow down to my CREATE- and ALICE-whispering abilities, and no research could get done without me.
Here are some recent publications:
- (2023). Neuromorphic tuning of feature spaces to overcome the challenge of low-sample high-dimensional data, International Joint Conference On Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2023.
- (2023). Relative intrinsic dimensionality is intrinsic to learning, International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN) 2023 vol 14254, pp 516-529, Springer, Cham.
- (2023). The boundaries of verifiable accuracy, robustness, and generalisation in deep learning, International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN) 2023 vol 14254, pp 530-541, Springer, Cham.
- (2023). How adversarial attacks can disrupt seemingly stable accurate classifiers, arXiv 2309.03665.
- (2022). Quasi-orthogonality and intrinsic dimensions as measures of learning and generalisation, International Joint Conference On Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2022.
- (2021). Advances in Data Preprocessing for Biomedical Data Fusion: An Overview of the Methods, Challenges, and Prospects, Information Fusion 76, pages 376-421.
- (2021). Demystification of Few-shot and One-shot Learning, 2021 International Joint Conference On Neural Networks (IJCNN).